The trailer to X-Men 3 is out. They call it a teaser, but it’s so filled with information that it can safely be called a trailer. The two first X-Men movies brought the engaging comic book characters to life, and were two of the best films ever made, and this looks even better. Bryan Singer directed X-Men and X2, and when he left there was a lot of speculation on how the new director (the poor guy ending up doing it after several choices had declined) Brett Ratner would do it, but it seems like those concerns were totally unfounded. This looks absolutely fantastic.
I think the subtitle should be Phoenix Rising, because that’s what’s happening.
Even more of the old and dear people we have come to love for decades are brought to life this time, including Beast, Emma Frost, Angel, Juggernaut… and Moira McTaggart. This is the third film in the trilogy. In the first Jean Grey was still an uncertain young woman. In the second we see her grow out of her shell and into her Power. In the third we see her rise from her ashes, assertive, confident… and dangerous.
This is it, really, people, a film not to be missed, not at any cost. Only twenty-four weeks left to wait.

Discuss the upcoming X-Men 3 movie at www.imdb.com.
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