Monday, January 22, 2007

Not for people with a short attention span

Heroes is back on nbc after the holiday break.

There have been twelve episodes so far, and it's still not showing any signs of slowing down.

And they take their time developing the story, and the story takes unexpected turns, and these facts are yet more great, great facets of it all.

As others have pointed out: everything isn't necessarily explained the first five minutes. This series is made for those with a longer attention span. The first in a very long time.

Hopefully the first of many.

Some people claim it's just a matter of having patience, but I don't think so.

Niki is still crazy (crazier than ever), and thus a very valuable character.

Peter is still the troubled "hero". He seeks to end his power, but will only serve to enhance it.

Nathan is a strange contradiction. He uses his power, but still won't acknowledge it.

Hiro is about to find his sword, his destiny.

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