Monday, January 15, 2007

Children of Men

This is yet another film that everybody should be forced to watch at gunpoint.

There is despair here, desperation, from the very beginning. We are presented for the stark reality of a humanity unable to reproduce. When the film begins there haven’t been any newborns in twenty years. This is a very realistic scenario for anyone that has researched the matter, and everyone should.

Hope and a minimum of decency have long since fled these streets and very few are still looking for it.

There is hope, sparely used throughout the film, but it is never ascending, never taking the center stage we see in the usual run-of-the-mill «upbeat» film. The ending is left open to interpretation. There is no emotional payback at the end. The horror of a world without children remains at the front of our mind. The solution, if it exists anywhere, isn’t found in the course of the story. No matter where Theo (Clive Owen) and Kee (Claire-Hope Ashley) turn they are betrayed and hope is, if not dead, very ill, very much dying.

It’s England twenty years from now. The rest of the world is practically in ruins, and England isn’t far behind.

Michael Caine is in this film. He’s one of those actors that can dominate a film even in a smaller role. The casting of the others is also great. There are no models here, no prettier than life characters. They are people, struggling to survive in an insane world. It’s not a pretty picture.

Director Alfonso CuarĂ³n has made a very violent film, and it hits us like a sledgehammer. As stated, this isn’t a film hiding reality from us, but one revealing it, exposing the world as it is to us, and we can’t look away.

Very good.

There is no sense of relief when we leave the theater. Even though we have been entertained by a great story, it sticks in our minds and hearts… like a vice.

Very good!

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